AREA: 144sqm
PROJECT YEAR: 1995-1996
LOCATION: Kuilapalayam, Auroville
Robert house is a simple 2 bedroom, hall, toilet, kitchen residence. The project is low-cost housing. The planning for the project is simple, from the veranda we enter into the living space, this space includes small dining, right in front of this space are the kitchen and washroom respectively.
The foundation is a 1:5:10 detail, A load-bearing structure. The structure is a brick construction. The entrance doorway is an old teak wood door found for a much cheaper cost. The entrance stairs were made using RCC rings which were cut in half creating the ideal height for a stair and characteristically placed to create an interesting entry into the building.
There are two bedrooms on each side of the living space. The flooring is a tiled flooring. The bedroom has narrow but long windows giving more privacy but sufficient sunlight. There are skylights through the house, washroom, kitchen and living room. These skylights provide better lighting to each space and no need for the uses of artificial light during the daytime. They also keep the house warm.