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Area: 70,000 sqm

Year: 2018

Location: Cambodia

Type: Competition

The design evolved with the surroundings, the natural element, the river was the inspiration to find the axis to the land mass. Following the concept, the rectangular build blocks were placed along the northern and eastern boundary walls. These blocks were rotated at an angle of 45 degrees keeping the sun path, prevailing wind flow and the view of the river for every individual unit in mind. The longer H shaped apartment buildings were placed in the NW corner of the site will the view of the river on one side and thick plantation on the other

                        The main concept was to organize the build blocks along the inner boundaries of the land and restrict the vehicular movement along the periphery so that the riverfront can e left open for proper utilization and to get all the prevailing cool breeze to the innermost parts of the land. 

- Going for vertical elevation was the only way to achieve the required units keeping enough land as public open spaces. Keeping in mind the psychological well being of the residence, there was a need to provide enough usable green spaces here and there in the multistory building to keep some nature active on every floor

Symbol of Auroville

 For design consultancy, volunteering in Auroville, internships, or any other query please send an e-mail us at:

Raman Construction, Center Field, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India - 605101

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