Area: 45 sqm
Year: 2018
Location: Bamboo center,Auroville
Type: Public - Bamboo
Bamboo center makes all kinds of products with bamboo including musical instruments and this pavilion acoomodates and displays some of the interactive bamboo musical instuments which are accesible to the guests. The location chosen was right at the entrance of the campus sitting in the center of all other activities. Therefore it had to be light and as transparent as possile but at the same time giving enough protection to the instruments and the users,
It is a light bamboo structure with six, double bamboo columns with a corugated metal sheet fixed at a gradual slope with translucent two sheets placed at the center for some extra play of light and shadows. This was built during a workshop so we tried to incorporate some basic joineries like fish mouth, spliced joints etc. There is an entrance and an exit designed according to the placement of the instruments and rammed earth benches for guests to sit.